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An all natural creamy Probiotic drink for your dog and Cat.  


  • Ingredients: condensed cultured skim milk, yogurt, maize corn flour, banana and mango.
  • Pack Sizes: Single Shot, 20 Serve Tub, 40 Serve Bag

Only high quality,  human grade ingredients sourced within Australia are used in order to give your dog the best tasting probiotic drink!


Original Puppicino with added banana n mango 

  • Mango - Mango is high in fiber, as well as vitamin A, B6, C, and E, making it quite nutritious. High number of antioxidants in mangos will give every pet, a great boost in combating and preventing degenerative diseases and forms of cancer. Vitamin A promotes strong eyesight in your pet, which may be beneficial to declining eyesight as they age. It also helps with dry eyes and Nyctalopia (also known as “night blindness”). With all the rich nutrients and antioxidants, mangoes are known to improve the immune system. The Vitamin C provides your pet with the necessary elements for a healthy immune system. In addition to these carotenoids and flavonoids and you’re looking at providing your pet with a strong and healthy immune system. 
  • Bananas are high in potassium, vitamin B6, and vitamin C. In fact, sometimes veterinarians recommend this fruit as a healthy alternative to fatty, salty treats. The fruit is also high in fiber, which can help if your dog is having gastrointestinal problems, and magnesium, which promotes bone growth and helps the body produce protein and absorb vitamins




  • Powdered form - Just add water & shake well then serve   

  • Because it'safe: contains no lactose and our recipe has been formulated by our very own pet nutritionist. Safe for dogs & cats!

  • Superior quality: We only use high quality,  human-grade ingredients sourced within Australia in order to give your dog the best tasting & safest probiotic drink!

  • Nutritional Value: Yogurt and cultured milk are a great source of calcium, zinc, probiotics, and protein which can help boost your dogs' immune system, as well as promoting healthier and more efficient digestion and freshen breath.

  • Long lasting: Unlike ready-made products, it can be stored for up to a year when sealed and used when needed.

  • Versatile: Can also be sprinkled or mixed with food or frozen as an icy treat

Puppicino - Banana n Mango Delight


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